Our members provide plants and landscape supplies to California and the world.
Plant California Alliance is a cooperation between the organizations formerly known as the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers (CANGC) and the Nursery Growers Association (NGA). Since 2019, Plant California Alliance represents a unified voice for California’s nursery industry. We are strategically designed to quickly react to issues affecting our industry. We continue to promote and protect our member’s business interests.
- Represent a unified voice for the California nursery industry.
- Actively address and implement solutions for important issues, such as water conservation and pesticide application regulation.
- Reduce the impact or regulatory restrictions for pests and diseases such as Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP), Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM), Red Imported Fire Ant, Shot Hole Borer, Japanese Beetle, and Glassy Winged Sharpshooter.
- Assist our members in complying with regulations by providing resources, guidelines, and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for pest and disease control.
- Fund research and scholarships through our sister organization, CANERS.
- Operate CCN Pro, the state’s most respected certification and testing program for retail nursery employees and offers reduced rates for employees of our member companies.
- Provide members access to the Buy California Marketing Agreement and members can use the CA GROWN logo at no additional cost.
- Connect members with customers, industry affiliates and familiar faces.
- Serve as a hub for a multitude of national and international programs that benefit California’s nursery industry.
- Offer access to Barkley Risk Management’s comprehensive Compliance Check Program and discounted rates on HR Consulting Services from HRBizz.