Each year, the Plant California Alliance funds research for specific research projects for a host of topics ranging from propagation; production systems; culture, irrigation, fertilization; soil mixes; insects, diseases, weed control; energy conservation; mechanization; post-harvest handling transportation; or marketing.
2022 Projects funded by CANERS:
UC Davis
- “Control strategies for Phytophtora root rot and continued disease diagnostics of the ornamental industry in California”
- “Acceleration of Nursery Crop Production through Recirculating Soilless Culture Systems” (continued)
- “Techno-economic Analysis of ground Source Heat Pump System for Nursery Greenhouse in California”
- “Comparison of WUCOLS & SLIDE rule plant factors”
- “Use of cold plasma treatments to boost germination, seedling vigor, and pest resistance of ornamental nursery plugs”
UC Riverside
- “Developing Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation and Water Conservation Recommendations for multiple Groundcover species in inland Southern California” (Year 2)
- Download report: Sapkota et al. (2023)
2021 Projects funded by CANERS:
UC Davis
- “Acceleration of Nursery Crop Production through Recirculating Soilless Culture Systems”
- “Disease diagnostics and monitoring of recurrent and new pathogens of the ornamental industry in California”
- “Relationship between stem water potential, chlorophyll fluorescence, and stomatal conductance in landscape plants grown on three levels of deficit irrigation.”
UC Riverside
- “Greenhouse and field trials on the use of Phasmarhabditis to mitigate established and emerging invasive pest slugs and snails in California nurseries (Year 3).”
- “Developing Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation and Water Conservation Recommendations for multiple Groundcover species in inland Southern California.”
2020 Projects funded by CANERS :
UC Davis:
- “Comparing nutrient leaching losses from fertigation and controlled-release fertilizer in a woody ornamental production system.”
- “Disease diagnostics and monitoring of recurrent and new pathogens of the ornamental industry in California.”
UC Cooperative Extension:
- “Houseplantfluencer Course”
2019 Projects funded by CANERS :
Center for Applied Horticultural Research:
- “Biofilm assessment strategies for horticultural systems; mitigation through innovation”
UC Davis:
- “Removal of plant growth regulators using slow sand filters from captured runoff prior to reuse as irrigation”
UC Riverside:
- “Biology and Control of Euwallacea sp., the vector of Fusarium Dieback Disease in California Nursery and Landscape Trees”
- “Greenhouse and field trials on the use of Phasmarhabditis to mitigate established and emerging invasive pest slugs and snails in California nurseries”
- “Horticultural Plant Nurseries as Habitat for Wild Pollinators” (Year 3 of 3)
2018 Projects funded by CANERS:
- “Evaluation of Biocontrol and Conventional Fungicides for the Control Phytophtora and Masking of Root Infection Symptoms”
- Download Final Report: Final Report_June 2018_Tjosvold_Phytophthora
More to Come.
2023 Presentations
“Net-zero Nursery Production with Renewable Enery Solutions by Shamim Ahamed (18 minutes)
“Ornamental Pathology in California” by Johanna Del Castillo (16 minutes)
“Advancing Irrigation Management in Southern California” by Amir Haghverdi (22 minutes)
“Pruning Wound Protectants” by Chris Shogren (14.5 minutes)
“Evaluation of Sprinkler Heads and Spray Stakes for Container Nurseries” by Gerry Spinelli (21 minutes)
“Cold Plasma, Advanced Lighting, Robotic Spraying, and Optical Sensing in Crops” by Christian Nansen (22 minutes)
2021 Presentations
“Houseplantfluencer Course” by Igor Lacan (26 minutes)
“Disease diagnostics and monitoring of recurrent and new pathogens of the ornamental industry in California” by Johanna Del Castillo (27 minutes)
“Developing Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation and Water Conservation Recommendations for multiple Groundcover species in inland Southern California” by Amir Haghverdi (32 minutes)
Download report: Sapkota et al. (2023)
“Greenhouse and field trials on the use of Phasmarhabditis to mitigate established and emerging invasive pest slugs and snails in California nurseries” by Adler Dillman (28 minutes)
“Comparing nutrient leaching losses from fertigation and controlled-release fertilizer in a woody ornamental production system” by Bruno Pitton (35 minutes)